Young Puppy Bonding - Young puppies are offered to customers at a very trainable age. Puppies over 8 weeks old but less than 6 months old are the easiest to train for a new family. Unfortunately, most dogs end up in shelters because of trainable behavioral issues. These trainable behavioral issues are easier to avoid when making a younger puppy part of your family.
Warranties - Uncle Bill's supplies warranties with the purchase of a new puppy, which is why it is in our best interest to work with the highest quality
breeders. It does not benefit a pet store to sell puppies not at the top level of health. It would affect the reputation, and we care about the health and well-being of our dogs.
Regulations - Uncle Bill's Pet Centers are the most regulated source of puppies for sale to consumers in the central Indiana area and Fort Wayne. Federal, state, and local laws protect your purchase of a puppy from your local pet store.
Honesty - We are Your Place for Pets! Uncle Bill's often acquires outstanding pets from respectable breeders, and have a responsibility to the community to run a great business. We do not rely on donations, handouts, and smear campaigns to be successful as some animal rights groups do. Often we are needed to work within our community and through our
Rescue & Re-homing Program to find homes for locally displaced animals.
Pet Overpopulation Prevention - Spay/Neuter campaigns have been so successful that in a lot of communities, shelters and rescue organizations are having to import dogs - either from out of state or even out of country - just to keep up with the demand of shelter animals. Pet stores account for a very small percentage of pet sales (Pet stores sell
as few as 2% of all dogs in the United States [Source: ASPCA]) in your community. Someone that is purchasing a purebred puppy from their local pet store is not likely to give it up to a shelter. There are times where we often must take back pets that cannot be cared for any more by their owners who had casually made their decision and work with our veterinarians before following through with the re-homing process.