About Shih Tzus:
The Shih Tzu is quite lively and happy with a charming manner that wins the hearts of all. This breed thrives on human companionship. It is friendly, but it will tolerate no nonsense. A proud and stately breed. The Shih Tzu is somewhat stubborn, although very receptive to training and easy to spoil. The Shih Tzu—whose name means ‘lion” in Chinese—is believed to be of Tibetan origin and could be related to the Pekingese, but this is not certain. During the 7th century, these tiny dogs with long, flowing locks captivated the Chinese imperial court and were immortalized in countless sculptures and paintings. Up until the revolution, the breed remained one of the favorite house pets of Chinese royalty. Imported into England from China in about 1930, the breed was brought to the United States after World War II by returning servicemen and was accepted by the American Kennel Club registry in 1969. Since then the Shih Tzu’s popularity has grown rapidly.
Care and Exercise:
Requires weekly brushing and bathing for show purposes. Must be blown dry after bath. No trimming needed, but cute pet trims are available. Check eyes regularly. Head hair should be kept up which helps prevent eye irritations. Attend to ears weekly and check teeth routinely. Needs minimal exercise. If dog has very full coat, paper train and keep indoors to maintain show elegance. Avoid weather extremes of any kind.
Recommended Households:
Very affectionate and hardy, the Shih Tzu gets along well with children, if not handled roughly. It loves the outdoors and likes to play in all weather; for show purposes, however, it must be kept indoors to protect its coat. Quick- moving, the Shih Tzu responds well in a family situation. An owner should be prepared to spend time on grooming this stylish breed.
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