| Mar 13, 2018
Albino Tiger Barbs
If you're looking to incorporate a little bit of flash into your community-fish aquarium, the Albino Tiger Barb may make a nice addition!

Originating from Borneo, Sumatra, and Indonesia, the Albino Tiger Barb is an alternate coloration of the regular Tiger Barb species, the
Puntius Tetrazona in the
Cyprinidae family. Unlike typical Tiger Barbs, though, they surprisingly do not always have gill covers! This fish can be cream or gold in color with white stripes and red or orange accents on their nose and fins.
Easy to care for and very hardy, Albino Tiger Barbs are great for beginners or hobbyists of any level! They grow up to 3 inches long, and will do just fine as long as the water is kept clean and there are sufficient water changes.
The necessities and environmental conditions in which these fish thrive are very similar to those of the regular Tiger Barbs.
Albino Tiger Barbs prefer to be fed an array of foods including vegetable-based and meat-based flake, freeze dried, frozen, or live foods. Having plenty of room and open space in the tank for this active, fast-swimming species is a key component to keeping these fish healthy and happy.
What's more, they do best in schools of at least 6 - 7 fish of similar temperament. As they are semi-aggressive they should be kept away from slower-swimming fish or fish with long fins. This species may "nip" or "peck" at other fish to establish a hierarchy among the group, but in a large enough school of fish this behavior is minimized.

Active, playful, and lively you'll surely enjoy watching the antics of these attractive fish as they swim about the tank with their school. Try mixing varieties and colors of Tiger Barbs for a stunning display when they dart back and forth as a group in your tank! Right now until April 9th, you can get Albino Tiger Barbs at Uncle Bill's Pet Centers for only $3.99 each!