| Jul 16, 2024
The Bleeding Heart Tetra!
There may be countless Tetra species out there, but the Bleeding Heart Tetra stands out with its eye-catching red spot and ease of care. Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma originates from the "Tres Fronteras" area upon the borders of Peru, Brazil, and Colombia in the Amazon basin where water is often stagnant or slow-moving and filled with lots of plant and wood matter. They can live up to 3-5 years and 2-3 inches with proper care. The Bleeding Heart Tetra is uniquely beautiful with its rosy beige or silver pink coloration, attractive black and white trimmed fins, and characteristic red spot on their sides!
A mostly peaceful species, these fetching fish are also animated, energetic, social, and active - always appearing to be darting around the tank and meeting up with each other!
Being shoaling / schooling fish, it's best to keep them in groups of at least 6-10, but they can make a great addition to a tropical community tank as long as kept with similarly sized (and not smaller) species. Some suitable tankmates may include select Barbs, Rasboras, Gouramis, Kuhli / Clown Loaches, certain non-predatory cichlids, or select invertebrates such as freshwater snails or shrimp.
In terms of care, they are fairly hardy - What's more, once everything is set up and acclimated, maintenance is usually a breeze! Bleeding Heart Tetra, like some other Tetra species, need a minimum of a 20 gallon tank with a lesser or redirected water flow. While pretty resilient in most tropical environments, superior filtration for appropriate water quality- especially in terms of ammonia or nitrate levels- will help ensure success in keeping these fish happy and healthy.
They enjoy plenty of décor in their tank to simulate their natural habitat, as well, such as wood / driftwood and plants - plus floating plants if possible for some shade and to encourage exploration. Some hobbyists go so far as to adding leaf litter to promote a more natural look while supporting beneficial microbial growth. A darker substrate will help make this fish's colors pop more, too!
Bleeding Heart Tetra are opportunistic omnivores, consuming both vegetable based and protein based foods. They also enjoy frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia. However, providing an overall variety of foods will help with their color, immunity, and lifespan!
These stunning little fish are easy to care for, fairly hardy, remain pretty small in size, and are active in the aquarium! Bleeding Heart Tetra can be a fantastic choice for either the beginner or experienced expert - sure to be noticed by any observer!
Now until 8/12/24, you can take home Bleeding Heart Tetra for only $3.49 each at Uncle Bill's Pet Centers with an Extra Value Card!