| Sep 08, 2015

Want to start a new aquarium with ease
and speed? The Tetra / Marineland GloFish 5 Gallon Kit adds character to any room in your home! Plus, the setup and maintenance are quick and simple.
This neat little package includes everything you need to create a sustainable, fun-looking environment for your fish!
The Tetra GloFish Kit comes with a 5 Gallon Curved-front Aquarium with a seamless view, Clear Canopy Cover with convenient Feeding Hole, Aquarium Light with 16 Blue LEDs that enhance the colors of the fluorescent GloFish, whisper-quiet Micro Internal Power

Filter, and Medium Bio-Bag Filter.
It also comes with a TetraCare aquarium setup guide!
Whether in lighted conditions or a completely dark room, this kit combines the simplicity of a beginner's aquarium with the stunning look of that of a professional or hobbyist's tank.
You can find it at Uncle Bill's now for only $59.99. Keep it in your classroom, office, or home--The Tetra GloFish 5 Gallon Kit would make a fantastic gift for kids & adults alike!