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Everyday Low Price Tanks

Aquatic Pets and Aquariums

What’s the best freshwater aquarium fish combination? What size tank does a pet pufferfish need? Does an aquarium need to have plants? Are saltwater aquarium fish right for me? Uncle Bill’s can answer these questions and help you find the right pet fish or other aquatic friends, along with all the aquatic pet supplies you need to give it a comfortable home.

Best Aquatic Pets for Beginners

Pet fish habitats can range from a simple rectangular tank to nano reef or betta tanks to a saltwater aquarium holding 100 gallons or more. Uncle Bill’s generally recommends that people who are new to maintaining an aquarium choose a fish that’s low-maintenance. Here are some excellent freshwater fish for beginners:
*These three types of freshwater fish above get along well with each other, and can live in a large enough tank in same-sex groups.
*Smart, showy, but only female Bettas can share a tank since males are aggressive to each other, but male Bettas may share a tank with Neon Tetras.
*While fairly aggressive, some of the most colorful and popular freshwater fish in the hobby.

Other Aquatic Pets

In addition to fish, Uncle Bill’s has a wide variety of water-loving animals: 
Sideneck Turtles
And Axolotls!
*Our inventory varies by location, so please contact us if you’re looking for a specific type of aquatic pet or stop by an Uncle Bill’s location near you.

Aquarium Care

Uncle Bill’s has everything you’d expect in an aquatic pet store: aquariums, filtration systems, fish food, and more. Our friendly associates can help you choose an appropriately sized saltwater or freshwater aquarium for your pet and provide tips on aquatic plants and fish tank accessories.

Quick tips for freshwater aquariums:
*Avoid direct sunlight to deter algae growth
*Once a week
    -Change about 10-20% of your tank water (varies by tank size and number of fish)
    -Use a siphon when removing water so you can do it slowly
    -Set aside water you siphon off to use when you clean the filter
    -Only add pre-treated or R/O water to the tank


uncle bills aquariums fish

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Aquariums are great learning tools.

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Whether you’re an adult hobbyist or have kids interested in science, building and perfecting an aquarium habitat is a fun and exciting way to learn about nature and ecology.

Aquariums promote responsibility without being too demanding.

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Kids (and adults) of all ages can participate in various tasks related to maintaining an aquarium, and they often become deeply invested in the saltwater fish or freshwater fish they select. Aquariums can also be a relatively low-maintenance hobby, which is perfect for busy households.

Aquariums reduce stress and anxiety.

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Have you noticed how many doctors’ offices have aquariums? That is not a coincidence! Experts, including the former Surgeon General of the United States, advocate aquariums for their proven health benefits, including reducing blood pressure!

Read more on our Aquatics blog!

Dubia Feeder Roaches!

| Jul 18, 2017

Dubia Feeder Roaches!

Uncle Bill's is now carrying the exceedingly sought-after and popular feeders, Dubia Roaches! 

dubia feeders

 They might not sound appealing at first, but there are many benefits to feeding Dubia Roaches instead of crickets or most worms.  They are actually rapidly becoming one of the most popular feeding choices by herpetology enthusiasts.  They can be fed, in addition to reptiles, to certain amphibians, fish, birds, and some invertebrates.  

Dubias are relatively more nutritious in protein than meal worms, super worms, or crickets - and protein is much more important for your reptiles than fillers or carbohydrates.  They are also very hardy and easy to care for, living up to 2 years with simple food and water.  

A few more reasons to choose Dubia Roaches over Crickets are:
*    Crickets smell
*    Crickets jump
*    Crickets can be noisy
*    Crickets can bite and possibly injure reptiles  
*    Crickets are not as meaty (have more shell)
*    Crickets don't grow as large
*    Crickets are more likely to die shortly after being bought

Dubia Roaches do not climb or fly as long as they are in a smooth-sided surface container.  They also cannot breed in temperature climates lower than 80 degrees, so your home is safe if any escape.  

These Dubias contain nutrients essential for insect-eating species' overall health such as more calcium, more protein, more fat, and more ash than crickets.  Your pet will be more regular, as well, due to their thinner exoskeletons compared to crickets.  The Dubia Roaches from our supplier are gut-loaded with homemade, premium organic food along with fresh fruits - unlike many other companies which tend to use ground dog food.  
Dubia Roaches Nutritional Information
No other pet store in the Indianapolis area as of 5/21/17 sells these amazing little feeders!  You can find Dubia Feeder Roaches right now at our Greenwood and West 38th Street locations!

Are you ready to find a saltwater or freshwater fish store near you? Then visit the nearest Uncle Bill’s Pet Center today! We’ll help you learn more about how to get started with an aquarium, or you can view our amazing selection of pet fish as well as other aquatic animals and accessories.

Uncle Bill’s Pet Center is an ethical, humane source for a wide variety of pets, including Dogs, Cats, Fish, Birds, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Reptiles, Amphibians, and other small and exotic animals. We are the premier pet store in the Indianapolis area, with locations on the east, northeast, and west sides of Indianapolis, as well as in Fishers, Greenwood, and Ft. Wayne. Uncle Bill’s Pet Center carries a large inventory of pet supplies, and is committed to helping our customers understand and care for their animals throughout their lives.